Monday 18 July 2011

The Death of David Kelly - Could his phone have been hacked?

It's a question I hadn't asked myself until today: Could David Kelly's phone have been hacked?

Milly Dowler disappeared in March 2002 and her body was found in September 2002.

So the News International phone hacking activity appears to have been ongoing around the period of interest as it applies to David Kelly.

If David Kelly was, hypothetically, the person who tipped off Judith Miller that the supposed "mobile weapons labs" were bogus could someone at News International have hacked those messages?

Currently, I've no idea.

1 comment:

  1. Rupert Murdoch does figure in the Hutton Inquiry*.
    Janice Kelly says:
    "He [Dr kelly] came over to me and said that Nick [Rufford of the Sunday Times] had said that Murdoch had offered hotel accommodation for both of us away from the media spotlight in return for an article by David"

    How did the name of Rupert Murdoch crop up, according to Rufford, three weeks later?

    "A. It was in a light hearted context. Dr Kelly, when we met for a drink or a meal, would always want to ensure that I did not pay personally and he would say: is this on Mr Murdoch? And it became something of a catch-phrase after our meetings. So when I suggested at the end of the conversation hotel accommodation, he said: is that on Mr Murdoch?
    Q. And you said?
    A. It is."

    * not under oath.
