Friday, 26 November 2010

The death of David Kelly - Talk by David Halpin in Bournemouth

David Halpin, a retired surgeon, who is one of the doctors seeking leave to go to the High Court to ask for an order that an inquest be held into the death of David Kelly, last night was due to give a public talk about his death: In a talk on Dr David Kelly’s death, ex-trauma surgeon Dr David Halpin will argue that the weapons inspector didn’t take his own life.

In an interview before the talk David Halpin said,

I couldn’t accept this man had died from haemorrhage from the small ulnar artery. I couldn’t accept that a man with his scientific knowledge had chosen such an uncertain method of which to kill himself.

David Halpin also stated,

I’m not saying that he was assassinated. I think it seems very likely.

What we want is an inquest to find the truth. I am saying for several very good reasons it appears like he was assassinated.

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